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Over the last 3 years, Careby, Aunby & Holywell Village Hall has been fully restored

Retaining all of the halls original character, charm and structure, the hall is now fully equipped for todays requirements.

Here are a few photographs showing the restoration journey and some of the wonderful momentos we found along the way ...

Home: Welcome

Our vision was to restore the hall to its original design and character and bring it back into use as a center-point for the village. To create a community hub with facilities that can be used by the wider community and visitors to the area.


To prepare for this project, parish volunteers removed a considerable amount of ancient  agricultural machinery, cut down ivy growth and made the windows water tight. Water damage to the boards around the fireplace have been extensively repaired.


A new roof has been put on, all internal wood panelling replaced, a new kitchen added in the original space,  and new bathroom facilities catering for wheelchairs. A modern wood burning stove has been put in the original fireplace, all windows replaced and the original roof beams maintained, strengthened and kept exposed to maintain the character of the hall. Finally, a large flat screen TV, wine fridge, and comfy sofas to compliment the wooden tables and chairs for events.



Careby, Aunby & Holywell Village Hall is now a registered charity with the Charity Commission.

Our story

Originally built in 1914 the hall has an interesting history.


On recovering long lost deeds it has been discovered the land and building were donated to the inhabitants of Careby Parish.

At the end of WW1 farmer, Charles Creasey of the Elms gave the land, and the hall was built by Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Acland Hood Reynardson of Holywell Hall at the cost of £4000.


Before WW1 few village halls existed, but after returning from the war in 1918, servicemen began to demand the community facilities they’d witnessed in France and Gallipoli. Thousands of the buildings were made of corrugated iron or ‘tin huts’ used by the armed forces. Prefabricated, they provided a ready venue for community events, newly formed Scout and Women’s Institute groups, various meetings and social activities.

Careby Village Hall was constructed in a similar, but more substantially with a wooden dance floor and separate kitchen. As a result it soon became a well-known venue for weekly dances, live music, local school plays and community get togethers.

The hall, which had been closed for 60 years, has taken over 3 years to restore to its former glory.

Home: Our Causes

The Renovation

Some of the items found during the restoration
Home: Quote

The Village Hall Trustees would like to thank all those who have contributed to the restoration of the village hall. The numerous private donations we have received plus, Lottery grants, InvestSK Heritage Alive Grant and the support of our retired District Councillor, Martin Wilkins.


We would like to sincerely thank and applaud all the people in Careby, Aunby & Holywell who have helped in so many ways to make it all happen.

Finally, and in particular, we would all like to sincerely thank and applaud David and Barbara Cooper without whom this amazing restoration would not even have got off the ground, let alone been completed. We will not forget this. Thank You!

Home: About

Jane Cadel: 07855 785512

Ian Creasey: 07786 277977

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